History of the company!

ness: a repair kit can include different types of products - expensive and cheap, domestic and foreign. There was no need to produce mono-brands.

Our first warehouse
Very quickly, in about a year and a half, we managed to enter most of the enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region with delivery. We did it, as it seemed to us, everything is simple: they called up with the enterprises, made an appointment, came themselves, talked with representatives - mainly with suppliers and mechanics, asked what they took and offered to buy from us. In the evenings, they wrote letters, put price lists in there, and made a mailing list every week.
At the same time, our assortment grew, there were sleeves, conveyor belts, V-belts and so on; this required additional premises, and since 2002 we have begun to add a garage box to a warehouse every year. In 2003, the idea came to the further development of sales through the opening of branches in the regions, and we opened the first branch in Chelyabinsk - and the previous owners left the premises to us immediately with furniture and even with an employee (this is now when hiring we conduct interviews with a questionnaire, and then everything was done easier: do you want to work, sell RTI products? -Go ahead). We were all salespeople, accounting, lawyers, advertising was outsourced.
After Chelyabinsk, we started to open one branch every year. This is always, even now, preceded by a lot of preparatory work - we come to a new city, live there, go to local enterprises, hold meetings. And by the time of opening a branch, we come up with an already recruited pool of customers, knowing all their needs based on the characteristics of the region. Now our network has 19 branches in Russia and Kazakhstan, with 220 employees; we have about 10,000 headings. We supply our products to more than 10,000 clients - companies operating in various industries - oil and gas, oilfield services, metallurgy, chemical, engineering and others. Last year we moved to our own premises - we built an office of 1500 sq.m. near Yekaterinburg. and a logistics warehouse of 5000 sq. m.